Related topics: stem cells

Feeding habits differ by age and sex in Asian black bears

A 10-year study shows that the diets of Asian black bears vary greatly depending on sex, stage of life, and resource availability, providing important information on foraging strategy according to age-sex classes. Researchers ...

New hair follicles can corral skin cancer

The same genetic mutations that can trigger cancer in some tissues are relatively harmless in others. A new Yale study has identified an unlikely source of protection against some forms of skin cancer—hair follicle regeneration.

A wearable device for regrowing hair

Although some people embrace the saying "bald is beautiful," for others, alopecia, or excessive hair loss, can cause stress and anxiety. Some studies have shown that stimulating the skin with lasers can help regrow hair, ...

Tail hair as an indicator of behaviour and ecology in horses

Life style leaves chemical traces in hair. In horses, the analysis of tail hair is especially suited as long hair can provide information over a long period of time. Researchers at the Vetmeduni Vienna have developed a method ...

Honeybee hive sealant promotes hair growth in mice

Hair loss can be devastating for the millions of men and women who experience it. Now scientists are reporting that a substance from honeybee hives might contain clues for developing a potential new therapy. They found that ...

Herbicide may affect plants thought to be resistant

Purdue University researchers have discovered a fine-tuning mechanism involved in plant root growth that has them questioning whether a popular herbicide may have unintended consequences, causing some plants to need more ...

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