Related topics: google ยท police

New arrest in UK phone hacking scandal

(AP) -- Britain's Press Association news agency said Monday one of its reporters was arrested by detectives investigating a widening phone hacking scandal.

British student on trial over Anonymous PayPal hacking

A British student went on trial in London on Thursday accused of a series of cyber-attacks by the hacking group Anonymous that cost the US online payments giant PayPal millions of dollars.

US cable: China leaders ordered hacking on Google

(AP) -- Contacts told American diplomats that hacking attacks against Google were ordered by China's top ruling body and a senior leader demanded action after finding search results that were critical of him, leaked U.S. ...

Israeli hackers attack Iranian sites

A group of Israeli hackers said on Thursday they have attacked several Iranian websites, a day after a number of Israeli websites were taken offline in the latest incident in a low-level cyberwar.

Hollywood's hacking pains are bigger than movie leaks

Piracy is a long-running and even routine issue for Hollywood, whether it's street vendors hawking bootleg DVDs on street corners or video uploaded to file-sharing sites like Pirate Bay. Now cybercriminals are also putting ...

UK arrests 2 suspected computer hackers

(AP) -- British police on Thursday arrested two men as part of a trans-Atlantic investigation into attacks carried out by the hacking groups Anonymous and Lulz Security.

British interior ministry probes website attack

Britain's Home Office interior ministry said Saturday it was investigating reports that hacking group Anonymous had attacked its website over the government's plans to boost Internet surveillance.

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