'Glowing' sand dune erosion on the side of Mars' Kaiser Crater

While Mars is known as the red planet, a variety of colors can be found on the planet's surface. Just like on Earth, the array of colors we can see in images from Mars comes from the diverse minerals on or just under the ...

Climate change speeds up gully erosion

The erosion of large natural channels by flowing water—gully erosion—can wreak havoc on fields, roads, and buildings. In some cases, the sudden expansion of gullies even claims human lives. Geographers from KU Leuven, ...

NASA image: Frosty slopes on Mars

This image of an area on the surface of Mars, approximately 1.5 by 3 kilometers in size, shows frosted gullies on a south-facing slope within a crater.

Melt water on Mars could sustain life

Near surface water has shaped the landscape of Mars. Areas of the planet's northern and southern hemispheres have alternately thawed and frozen in recent geologic history and comprise striking similarities to the landscape ...

Are gas-formed gullies the norm on Mars?

In June 2000, Martian imaging scientists made a striking discovery — data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft found gullies on the red planet. Gullies on Earth form when water runs down steep slopes and ...

Image: Gullies of Matara Crater

Gullies on Martian sand dunes, like these in Matara Crater, have been very active, with many flows in the last 10 years. The flows typically occur when seasonal frost is present.

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