Image: Gulf of Kutch, India

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over the Gulf of Kutch—also known as the Gulf of Kachchh—an inlet of the Arabian Sea, along the west coast of India.

US court upholds BP settlement for Gulf oil spill

A US federal appeals court upheld a multibillion-dollar settlement between BP and the coastal residents and businesses hit by the company's massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010.

BP accused of trying to silence science on spill

The head of the American Association of Professors accused BP Friday of trying to buy the silence of scientists and academics to protect itself after the Gulf oil spill, in a BBC interview.

Scientists to see if oil spill hurt deep sea life

(AP) -- A team of scientists are leaving on a research cruise to see if the BP oil spill hurt deep-sea coral and organisms that live around natural oil and gas seeps in the Gulf of Mexico.

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