Gulf currents primed bacteria to degrade oil spill

A new computer model of the Gulf of Mexico in the period after the oil spill provides insights into how underwater currents may have primed marine microorganisms to degrade the oil.

US keeps bluefin tuna off endangered list

The United States on Friday rejected calls to protect Atlantic bluefin tuna as an endangered species, saying that while it was worried about overfishing it did not fear imminent extinction.

Where's the Gulf oil? In the food web, study says

(AP) -- Scientists say they have for the first time tracked how certain nontoxic elements of oil from the BP spill quickly became dinner for plankton, entering the food web in the Gulf of Mexico.

Scientist proposes method to quantify Gulf oil spill

While the world has reacted with shock and anger to the massive amounts of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the Deepwater Horizon platform blowout, a UC Santa Barbara scientist has proposed that methane ...

BP says US oil spill trial could 'last until 2014'

British energy giant BP is prepared for a multi-billion-dollar US legal case into the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill to last until 2014, its chief executive told the Sunday Telegraph.

Spatial mapping reveals importance of Hauraki Gulf waters

The most extensive spatial mapping of the Hauraki Gulf waters has identified a new area of importance for nationally endangered bottlenose dolphins, as well as demonstrating how these waters are used by two other protected ...

Study shows some Gulf dolphins severely ill

Bottlenose dolphins in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, are showing signs of severe ill health, according to NOAA marine mammal biologists and their local, state, federal and other research partners.

NASA sees tropical trouble brewing in southern Gulf of Mexico

Imagery from NOAA's GOES-13 satellite has shown some towering thunderstorms within the low pressure area called System 96L, located in the southern Gulf of Mexico. NASA continues to create the imagery from the GOES satellite ...

Researcher: Smaller 'dead zone' recorded in Gulf

A new report says this year's Gulf of Mexico "dead zone," an area of low oxygen that develops every spring and summer, is the fourth-smallest since measurements of the zones began in 1985.

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