House passes funding for green vehicle research

(AP) -- Targeting more federal money to support the auto industry, the House on Wednesday approved an expansion of government-led research into making cars and trucks more fuel-efficient.

How do you say grid computing in Spanish?

( -- Encouraged by the success of grid computing in Europe, scientists there set out to help their Latin American colleagues develop grid capability. The result today is a thriving trans-Atlantic collaboration. ...

Grid helps find one picture in a million

( -- Looking for images on the internet can be a frustrating business. Whether you want the perfect sunset over the sea or the London skyline by night, youre dependent on people to describe the images on their ...

Unprecedented growth seen for solar energy

The head of the federal government's effort to promote solar technology told about 200 industry leaders yesterday that expanding the industry to the level needed by 2030 will require unprecedented levels of growth.

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