Efficiency record of combined cycle power plant

A new Siemens gas turbine operated in a combined cycle with a steam turbine in Irsching, Bavaria, has set a world record for efficiency, making it an outstanding example of green technology. The net efficiency of 60.75 percent ...

Smart grid development holds promise for U.S. jobs

Turning the electric power system into a smart grid, or so-called "energy Internet," has already created thousands of U.S. jobs and has the potential to create many more, says a new report by a Duke University research team.

GE Unveils Their Electric Vehicle WattStation (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- On Tuesday GE announced their new smart-grid-connected electric vehicle charger called the WattStation. The WattStation will help accelerate the adoption of plug-in electric vehicles by significantly cutting ...

Cloud to tackle money laundering problem

(PhysOrg.com) -- Money laundering is estimated at $1.3 trillion worldwide - a huge problem. Now European researchers are using cloud computing services to boost anti-money laundering efforts by tracking suspicious transactions.

Cloud technology to combat cancer

(PhysOrg.com) -- Cloud services provided over grid technology are helping to treat cancer patients, thanks to an enormous effort by European researchers working closely with industry.

Electric avenue: Electric cars on a two-way street?

Think of it as the end of cars' slacker days: No more sitting idle for hours in parking lots or garages racking up payments, but instead earning their keep by helping store power for the electricity grid.

There's no business like Grid business (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists have embraced the Grid, but businesses have held back, concerned about complexity and security. Now a European research team has built a platform opening the Grid's vast resources to business users. ...

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