Related topics: graphene · carbon · diamonds · carbon atoms

Scientists shed light on magnetic mystery of graphite

The physical property of magnetism has historically been associated with metals such as iron, nickel and cobalt; however, graphite – an organic mineral made up of stacks of individual carbon sheets – has baffled ...

How diamonds emerge from graphite

Scientists have used a new method to precisely simulate the phase transition from graphite to diamond for the first time. Instead of happening concerted, all at once, the conversion evidently takes place in a step by step ...

Single molecule electronics and 'chemical soldering'

( -- Single molecule electronics is a division of nanotechnology utilizing single molecules as electronic components and its study has the ultimate goal of reducing the size of common electrical circuits. Since ...

Nanoparticles improve solar collection efficiency

Using minute graphite particles 1000 times smaller than the width of a human hair, mechanical engineers at Arizona State University hope to boost the efficiency -- and profitability -- of solar power plants.

The incredible shrinking circuit

( -- Just when it seemed that microchips couldn't get any tinier, a technique developed by researchers here at the University of Cambridge Engineering Department could lead to chips which are not only smaller, ...

Graphene: Singles and the few

( -- A timely review analyzing the correlation of synthesis methods and physical properties of single-layer and few-layered graphene flakes.

New method for mass-producing graphene developed

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a simple new method for producing large quantities of the promising nanomaterial graphene. The new technique works at room temperature, needs little processing, ...

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