Wild weather to yield better Finger Lakes wines

(Phys.org)—This year's weather threw several curve balls to New York growers—an early, warm spring, a sudden cold snap in April, and a hot, dry summer. But while some vineyards report a reduced crop, many anticipate that ...

A digital portrait for grapes indicates their ripeness

Researchers at the University of Seville (Spain) have developed a technique for estimating grape composition and variety using computer imaging. They have also put forward an index for identifying the ripeness of seeds without ...

Table grapes' new ally: Muscodor albus

Small but mighty, a beneficial microbe called Muscodor albus may help protect fresh grapes from troublesome gray mold. Experiments conducted over the past several years by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) plant pathologist ...

Wild yeasts may hold key to better wines from warmer climates

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have found yeasts that naturally occur on wine grapes may improve wines produced in warmer climates. Up until now the use of these 'natural' or 'wild' yeasts during the production ...

Edible coating for seabass preservation

Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) is one of the most commonly consumed food fish by Singaporeans. Seabass is loved by many consumers because of its high protein, low fat and ideal fatty acids composition. However, seabass ...

Machines can help wine grape industry survive labor shortage

Wine grape growers in California and elsewhere face increasing labor costs and severe labor shortages, making it difficult to manage and harvest a vineyard while maintaining profitability. Growers are increasingly turning ...

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