NASA announces Asteroid Grand Challenge

NASA announced Tuesday a Grand Challenge focused on finding all asteroid threats to human populations and knowing what to do about them.

The importance of crop genetic diversity

In North Carolina, the seventh most-productive blueberry state in the U.S., blueberries ripen between June and August. But North Carolina shoppers can buy blueberries throughout the year. That's because most people only eat ...

How teachers can use video games to motivate students

If you ask your teens to do their homework they'll find a thousand other things to do. But put them in front of a video game, and they'll focus on it for hours. How exactly do game designers create this kind of engagement? ...

Anthropocene continues to spark scientific debate

How have humans influenced Earth? Can geoscientists measure when human impacts began overtaking those of Earth's other inhabitants and that of the natural Earth system? Responding to increasing scientific recognition that ...

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