Will Americans accept self-driving cars?

Just before the turn of the 20th century, a new and frightening technology was introduced to the American public. These "horseless carriages"—as the first motorized vehicles were called—were deemed loud, dirty, and dangerous, ...

Challenges for biofuels -- new life cycle assessment report

(PhysOrg.com) -- A combination of rising costs, shrinking supplies, and concerns about global climate change are spurring the development of alternatives to the burning of fossil fuels to meet our transportation energy needs. ...

Space exploration can drive the next agricultural revolution

Habitation of outer space needs solving air, water, energy and food supplies within a tight space. And this isn't a problem of an apocalyptic, remote future. Developing this technology addresses some of the grand challenges ...

Plant-based jet fuel could reduce emissions by 68%

Replacing petroleum-based aviation fuel with sustainable aviation fuel derived from a type of mustard plant can reduce carbon emissions by up to 68%, according to new research from University of Georgia scientist Puneet Dwivedi.

Turning DNA into a hard drive

Silicon-based computers are fine for typing term papers and surfing the Web, but scientists want to make devices that can work on a far smaller scale, recording data within individual cells. One way to do that is to create ...

New report on energy-efficient computing

A report that resulted from a workshop jointly funded by the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) and National Science Foundation (NSF) outlines key factors limiting progress in computing—particularly related to energy ...

Designing and building nanocomponents to spec

Hybrid, multifunctional nanostructures with diverse 3D shapes and complex material composition can now be manufactured with a precise and efficient fabrication technique.

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