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Palm head says turnaround hurt by swifter peers

(AP) -- The head of smart-phone maker Palm said the company's attempt at a turnaround - which ended earlier this year when it was bought by Hewlett Packard for $1.8 billion in cash - was thwarted by competitors that simply ...

Yahoo soap opera features new cast of leaders

(AP) -- Yahoo's dysfunctional turnaround efforts have morphed into a Silicon Valley soap opera, one that has taken another strange twist with the Internet company's ousting of CEO Scott Thompson just four months after his ...

Google CEO Page gets grilled in Oracle trial (Update)

(AP) -- Google CEO Larry Page spent nearly an hour in a federal courtroom Wednesday deflecting questions about his role in a copyright dispute over some of the technology in his company's Android software for smartphones.

Review: Tablet apps fill in gap, won't replace PCs

There's nothing I like more than getting some writing done at my favorite neighborhood coffeehouse. It's relaxing, I'm more productive and the place makes a great cappuccino.

Oracle skewers Google as Android trial opens

Oracle began Monday trying to convince a jury that Google's top executives have long known that they stole a key piece of technology to build the Android software that now powers more than more than 300 million smartphones ...

CEO Interview: Tim Armstrong on AOL's turnaround

(AP) -- A lot has changed at AOL as it tries to shed the vestiges of its '90s image: the iconic "You've got mail" greeting and the promotional CDs stuffed into mailboxes across the country.

Verizon settles FCC probe into 'tethering' block

(AP) -- In the first move of its kind, the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday said it's accepting a $1.25 million settlement from Verizon Wireless to end an investigation into whether the company asked Google Inc. ...

Microsoft reports first loss as public company

Microsoft posted its first quarterly loss in its 26 years as a public company on Thursday as it declared a struggling online ad business a bust and prepared for one of the biggest product updates in its history.

Palm's phone sales slump and its stock dives

(AP) -- Palm Inc. reported sales figures Thursday that showed it's having a difficult time getting consumers to pay attention to its phones in a market dominated by iPhones and BlackBerrys. The company's shares plunged in ...

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