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Palm Pre to go on sale June 6

Palm Inc., a pioneer in handheld devices but suffering hard times lately, announced Tuesday that its much-anticipated new smartphone, the Palm Pre, would go on sale in the United States on June 6.

Nokia town faces dim future as jobs shift to Asia

(AP) -- Tomi Marjuaho repaired mobile phones for 10 years in the town of Salo in southern Finland, where Nokia, the world's top cell phone-maker, set up its wireless operations in the 1980s.

Discover finds partners in evolving mobile payments

In a memorable episode of "Seinfeld," George suffers from back problems because of a ridiculously overstuffed wallet. His wallet later explodes. The episode mocked one of the inconveniences of the modern world, the explosion ...

US prosecutors want smartphone 'kill switch'

U.S. law enforcement officials are demanding the creation of a "kill switch" that would render smartphones inoperable after they are stolen, New York's top prosecutor said in a clear warning to the world's smartphone manufacturers.

Web access battles brew before UN conference

(AP)—An upcoming U.N. gathering about Internet oversight is raising alarms from a broad coalition of critics, including the U.S., tech giants such as Google and rights groups, concerned that changes could lead to greater ...

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