Chemists cram two million nanorods into single cancer cell

( -- Rice University chemists have found a way to load more than 2 million tiny gold particles called nanorods into a single cancer cell. The breakthrough could speed development of cancer treatments that would ...

Gold nanoparticles for cancer treatment

A new project at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) will develop methodologies to measure the radio-biological impact of gold nanoparticles, when used in combination with ionising radiation for enhancing radiotherapy ...

Researchers discover why gold is concentrated alongside arsenic

Why are gold deposits found at all? Gold is famously unreactive, and there seems to be little reason why gold should be concentrated, rather than uniformly scattered throughout the Earth's crust. Now, an international group ...

Clusters of gold atoms form peculiar pyramidal shape

Freestanding clusters of 20 gold atoms take the shape of a pyramid, researchers have discovered. This is in contrast with most elements, which organize themselves by forming shells around one central atom. The team of researchers ...

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