Global warming intensifies precipitation extremes in China

Changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events have impacted human safety and the natural environment. Global warming increases holding capacity for atmospheric water vapor, and therefore escalates ...

Using machine learning to help monitor climate-induced hazards

Combining satellite technology with machine learning may allow scientists to better track and prepare for climate-induced natural hazards, according to research presented last month at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical ...

Study shows that organic aerosols aging caused by OH radicals

Atmospheric aerosol particles have a significant effect on climate. An international team of researchers has now discovered that a chemical process in the atmosphere called aging determines to a major extent the concentration ...

Seaweed removal helps coral babies thrive

Marine scientists have found removing macroalgae from reefs can help coral larvae settle and has great possibilities as a citizen-science project to help coral reefs survive.

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