The tropical upper atmosphere 'fingerprint' of global warming

In the tropics at heights more than 10 miles above the surface, the prevailing winds alternate between strong easterlies and strong westerlies roughly every other year. This slow heartbeat in the tropical upper atmosphere, ...

Just 20% of climate change studies are 'written by women'

Chioma Blaise Chikere is at the pinnacle of her career, as a professor of environmental microbiology and biotechnology at the University of Port Harcourt in Nigeria and director of the institution's Entrepreneurial Center.

Unique marimo threatened by rising lake temperatures

Rising lake water temperatures threaten the survival of marimo, unique algal balls found only in cold lakes. Kobe University researchers clarified that the warmer it gets, the more the inward decomposition outpaces the outward ...

Research helps businesses optimize benefits of crowdsourcing

(—In today's global marketplace, a growing number of organizations are attempting to gain an edge over their competitors through "crowdsourcing"—the use of large groups of individuals to perform tasks commonly ...

Siberian caves warn of permafrost meltdown

Climate records captured in Siberian caves suggest 1.5 degrees of warming is enough to trigger thawing of permafrost, according to a paper to be given at the Geological Society of London on 27 June.

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