Putting on the pressure improves glass for fiber optics

Rapid, accurate communication worldwide is possible via fiber optic cables, but as good as they are, they are not perfect. Now, researchers from Penn State and AGC Inc. in Japan suggest that the silica glass used for these ...

Watching the structure of glass under pressure

Glass has many applications that call for different properties, such as resistance to thermal shock or to chemically harsh environments. Glassmakers commonly use additives such as boron oxide to tweak these properties by ...

Guinness World Record for discovery of the thinnest glass

It is only a couple of molecules thick, and could not be thinner: the sheet of glass that scientists at the University of Ulm and Cornell University have discovered by accident. This discovery has now been acknowledged as ...

Hot embossing glass -- to the nearest micrometer

The lens is what matters: if lens arrays could be made of glass, it would be possible to make more conveniently sized projectors. Fraunhofer researchers have now developed a process that allows this key component to be mass ...

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