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For freshwaters, these pets are high-risk invasive species

Unwanted pets are often released as soon as they become a nuisance. Not just dogs and cats, but also exotic freshwater species. This contributes significantly to the spread of invasive species. Well known examples include ...

Research offers insight into AI protections for workers

As artificial intelligence takes on a larger role in monitoring employees and automating management decisions, Virginia Doellgast offers examples from Germany and Norway showing how worker representatives have been able to ...

Glyphosate: where is it banned or restricted?

One of the world's most popular weedkillers, glyphosate, has divided the scientific and health community, prompting several countries either to ban or limit its use.

Germany joins NASA's Artemis accords as newest signatory

During a ceremony at the German Ambassador's Residence in Washington on Thursday, Germany became the 29th country to sign the Artemis Accords. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson participated in the signing ceremony for the agency, ...

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