Tropical Depression 4 now a small tropical storm named Colin

The fourth Atlantic tropical depression became Tropical Storm Colin early in the morning today, August 3 and NASA and other satellites are keeping tabs on it. A GOES-13 satellite visible image at 1145 UTC (7:45 a.m. EDT) ...

GOES-13 sees new Tropical Storm Bonnie raining on south Florida

Tropical Depression 3 strengthened into tropical storm Bonnie at 6:15pm EDT on July 22, when it was centered about 200 miles southeast of Nassau, Bahamas. At 5 a.m. EDT today, July 23, Bonnie was 155 miles southeast of Miami ...

NASA satellites see System 97L serve up a soaking

System 97L may not yet be a tropical depression, but it feels like it to the residents of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Hispaniola. NASA satellite data captured both rainfall and cloud temperatures as this system continues ...

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