Getting more mileage from microsatellites

They say you only find what you're looking for, and that applies in population genetics as well as in life. Population genetic studies rely on scoring known, characterized variation in DNA in order to decipher the history ...

Looking for love online may impact how humans evolve

Anybody looking for a Valentine's Day date in cyberspace might want to consider this prediction from an evolutionary biologist: Online dating could affect how humans evolve in the future.

Life on the edge is dangerous

Intensive farming, sprawling towns, a dense road network – the modern world leaves less and less space for animals and plants. They are forced back into shrinking refuges, which are ever further apart. But not all react ...

How squash agriculture spread bees in pre-Columbian North America

Using genetic markers, researchers have for the first time shown how cultivating a specific crop led to the expansion of a pollinator species. In this case, the researchers found that the spread of a bee species in pre-Columbian ...

When fruit flies get sick, their offspring become more diverse

New research from North Carolina State University and Reed College shows that when fruit flies are attacked by parasites or bacteria they respond by producing offspring with greater genetic variability. This extra genetic ...

Melon genome study reveals recent impacts of breeding

The first comprehensive genome analyses of 7 melon varieties was completed by a research team led by Josep Casacuberta, Jordi Garcia-Mas and Sebastian Ramos-Onsins, providing breeders new knowledge important for understanding ...

Coral colonies more genetically diverse than assumed

Coral colonies are more genetically diverse than it has been assumed to date. This is the conclusion drawn by biologists at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, who have conducted comprehensive studies into the genetic variability in ...

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