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New algorithm sharpens focus of world's most powerful microscopes

We've all seen that moment in a cop TV show where a detective is reviewing grainy, low-resolution security footage, spots a person of interest on the tape, and nonchalantly asks a CSI technician to "enhance that." A few keyboard ...

Evolution by mistake

( -- A major driving force of evolution comes from mistakes made by cells and how organisms cope with the consequences, University of Arizona biologists have found. Their discoveries offer lessons for creating ...

Our DNA is becoming the world's tiniest hard drive

Our genetic code is millions of times more efficient at storing data than existing solutions, which are costly and use immense amounts of energy and space. In fact, we could get rid of hard drives and store all the digital ...

Speedy the tortoise and altering the genetic code

Last week my sister sent me a great article from Buzzfeed on "a reptile dysfunction". It's about stupid people who buy cute little baby tortoises that, after a few sweet months, enter a growth spurt and rapidly begin to assume ...

New 'CRISPR-Combo' method boosts genome editing power in plants

Ten years ago, a new technology called CRISPR-CAS9, made it possible for scientists to change the genetic code of living organisms. As revolutionary as it was, the tool had its limitations. Like the first cell phones that ...

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