Divisive primaries help challengers and hurt incumbents

Divisive primaries may waste precious campaign resources and damage the primary winner's reputation and chances to win the general election, according to a study in the current American Politics Research (published by SAGE). ...

The mental health crisis in British schools

NHS statistics suggest that 20.3%—1 in 5—children and young people aged from eight to 16 years in England had a probable mental disorder in 2023. This a huge rise from 2017, when 12.5% had a probable mental health disorder.

Would you vote for that face?

Why do people vote the way they do? We think we're voting on policy and values but how much are we influenced by simple things like a candidate's appearance?

UK backtracks on net zero policies

Britain will soften policies aimed at achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and instead pursue a "pragmatic" approach to hitting the target, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Wednesday.

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