Genetic switch underlies noisy cell division

( -- While scientists have spent the past 40 years describing the intricate series of events that occur when one mammalian cell divides into two, they still haven't agreed on how the process begins.

Researchers build a toolbox for synthetic biology

For about a dozen years, synthetic biologists have been working on ways to design genetic circuits to perform novel functions such as manufacturing new drugs, producing fuel or even programming the suicide of cancer cells.

Kill switches for engineered microbes gone rogue

Synthetic biologists are fitting the genomes of microorganisms with synthetic gene circuits to break down polluting plastics, non-invasively diagnose and treat infections in the human gut, and generate chemicals and nutrition ...

Nanoscale platform aims to control protein levels

A nanoscale antibody first found in camels combined with a protein-degrading molecule is an effective new platform to control protein levels in cells, according to Rice University scientists. The technique could aid fundamental ...

Bioengineering team's 'circuit' work may benefit gene therapy

Researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas have designed genetic "circuits" out of living cellular material in order to gain a better understanding of how proteins function, with the goal of making improvements.

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