Game theory can prevent disease outbreaks

When multiple passengers on a flight from Dubai to New York recently were taken ill with flu-like symptoms, the plane was understandably quarantined. It's not too hard to imagine how international travel could quickly help ...

Tackling the great paradox of biodiversity with game theory

One of the main puzzles of ecology research has been to explain how hundreds, often thousands, of species coexist in environments with a very limited number of resources. Scientists in Lisbon, Portugal, have a promising answer ...

Law and society rely upon a 'Republic of Belief'

In developed and less developed countries alike, many worry about why laws are so often ignored. But there's a converse question that is even more puzzling: Why are laws obeyed at all?

People are willing to pay to curate their online social image

Social media provides a new environment that makes it possible to carefully edit the image you want to project of yourself. A study from Lund University in Sweden suggests that many people are prepared to pay to "filter out" ...

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