Mantis shrimp size each other up before giving up a fight

To a mantis shrimp, walking away from a fight doesn't mean being a wimp. It means recognizing who they're up against and knowing when to bail rather than drag out a doomed battle, Duke University researchers say.

Game theory harnessed for cybersecurity of large-scale nets

Researchers have laid the groundwork for a method to improve cybersecurity for large-scale systems like the power grid and autonomous military defense networks by harnessing game theory and creating new intelligent algorithms.

On a collision course with game theory

How do pedestrians behave in a large crowd? How do they avoid collisions? How can their paths be modeled? A new approach developed by mathematicians from Würzburg and Nice provides answers to these questions.

AI ideally matches children to daycare centers

Fujitsu and the Institute of Mathematics for Industry at Kyushu University have developed an AI-based matching technology that uses game theory to automatically calculate an optimal matching of children to daycare centers. ...

Using randomness to protect election integrity

Democratic societies depend on trust in elections and their results. Throughout the 2016 presidential election, and since President Trump's inauguration, allegations of Russian involvement in the U.S. presidential campaign ...

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