Chemists create an emission molecular thermometer

Future technologies rely on phenomena that were previously considered the exclusive domain of theoretical physics or chemistry. For example, the approach to devices with high-density information storage arose when chemists ...

Science in space: Robotic helpers

Crew time is a valuable resource on the International Space Station and its value only increases for future space missions. One way to make the most of crew time is using robotic technology either to assist crew members with ...

What is quantum squeezing?

How many times have you shown up to a video meeting with people at work only to find you have terrible internet that day? Maybe the others on the call are cutting in and out, or maybe your own signal is being corrupted on ...

Century's end may bring annual 100-year floods

Most coastal communities will encounter 100-year floods annually by the end of the century, even under a moderate scenario where carbon dioxide emissions peak by 2040, a new study finds. And as early as 2050, regions worldwide ...

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