Cell death pathway linked to mitochondrial fusion

New research led by UC Davis scientists provides insight into why some body organs are more susceptible to cell death than others and could eventually lead to advances in treating or preventing heart attack or stroke.

Sugar-coated nanomaterial excels at promoting bone growth

There hasn't been a gold standard for how orthopaedic spine surgeons promote new bone growth in patients, but now Northwestern University scientists have designed a bioactive nanomaterial that is so good at stimulating bone ...

New clues about mitochondrial 'growth spurts'

Mitochondria are restless, continually merging and splitting. But contrary to conventional wisdom, the size of these organelles depends on more than fusion and fission, as Berman et al. show. Mitochondrial growth and degradation ...

Protein recycling machine visualized

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists have new structures of an essential cellular recycling machine that depict its structure with near atomic-level detail. The structures, which show a protein called NSF alone ...

Scientists open up new world for biologics—inside the cell

The vast majority of top-selling drugs are biologics—also known as proteins. Proteins are used today to treat many debilitating diseases, including arthritis, Crohn's disease, and several forms of cancer. They have helped ...

Cryo-EM study yields new clues to chicken pox infection

Despite decades of study, exactly how herpesviruses invade our cells remains something of a mystery. Now researchers studying one herpesvirus, the varicella zoster virus (VZV) that causes chicken pox, may have found an important ...

Biologists produce rainbow-colored algae

What can green algae do for science if they weren't, well, green? That's the question biologists at UC San Diego sought to answer when they engineered a green alga used commonly in laboratories, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, ...

A better way to design fusion protein drugs

New software developed at A*STAR could help scientists design sophisticated biopharmaceutical drugs that demand the joining of proteins together. The tool, which is freely available online, allows researchers and drug developers ...

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