For children, charity is about more than money

The proportion of people giving money to charity either by donating or via sponsorship saw a steady decline between 2016 and 2018. Some commentators suggest this is due to a decrease in donor trust in charities, and the latest ...

Men donate competitively on women's fundraising webpages

Men give more money through fundraising websites after seeing that other men have donated large amounts and when the fundraiser is an attractive woman, according to new UCL and University of Bristol research.

Social media aid entrepreneurs' capital quest

No bank or record label helped singer-songwriter Wesley Cook fund his third studio album, but a Chuck Norris meme - and the generosity of 171 fans - did.

Charities see potential, risk with social networks

(AP) -- Meredith Bowen was getting tired of requests from Facebook friends to exchange make-believe pansies, daffodils and tiny cartoon characters for her "(Lil) Green Patch," a virtual garden that sprouted on her social-networking ...

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