Breakthrough in designing complicated all-α protein structures

A team of researchers has developed an innovative method to design complicated all-α proteins, characterized by their non-uniformly arranged α-helices as seen in hemoglobin. Employing their novel approach, the team successfully ...

Novel strategy stabilizes zinc-ion batteries

According to a study published in Advanced Functional Materials, a research team led by Prof. Hu Linhua from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that adding disodium maleate (DMA) ...

How environmental microbes boost fruit fly reproduction

For many of us, when we think of microbiomes, our first thoughts are probably about the beneficial microorganisms that live in our guts. But now, researchers from Japan and the US have discovered how the microbes living in ...

A new inactive form of p38α protein discovered

p38α protein, a key enzyme in the regulation of various cellular functions, plays a crucial role in some diseases, including cancer, chronic inflammation, and neurodegenerative conditions. Since the discovery of p38α, various ...

The shape of dogs' heads affects their sleep, according to study

Flat-faced dog breeds are popular all over the world. In the U.S. and in Hungary, the French bulldog is currently the most common breed. However, their popularity comes at a high cost in terms of health: Shortened skulls ...

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