Researchers translate insect defense chemicals into eerie sounds

Sawfly larvae protect themselves by secreting cocktails of unpleasant, volatile chemicals intended to repel predators, particularly ants. Researchers can assess the effectiveness of these defenses by staging meetups, so-called ...

New light on making two-dimensional polymers

An international research team with members from Linköping University, the Technical University of Munich and the Deutsches Museum among others, has developed a method to manufacture two-dimensional polymers with the thickness ...

Bioinspired strategies for the development of new drugs

MedUni Vienna researchers led by Christian Gruber from the Institute of Pharmacology, with international collaborators, have shown that it is possible to dimerize the human neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin without forfeiting ...

RNA molecules are masters of their own destiny

At any given moment in the human body, in about 30 trillion cells, DNA is being "read" into molecules of messenger RNA, the intermediary step between DNA and proteins, in a process called transcription.

Building blocks of life can form long before stars

An international team of scientists have shown that glycine, the simplest amino acid and an important building block of life, can form under the harsh conditions that govern chemistry in space.

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