Related topics: fuel · fuel economy

New method knocks out stubborn electron problem

A newly published article in Physical Review Letters eliminates one of the top unsolved theoretical problems in chemical physics as ranked by the National Research Council in 1995. Scientists now can more accurately predict ...

Open-source software unlocks 3-D view of nanomaterials

Now it's possible for anyone to see and share 3-D nanoscale imagery with a new open-source software platform developed by researchers at the University of Michigan, Cornell University and open-source software company Kitware ...

Fossil fuels and renewables incur similar future costs

Are renewable energies coupled with energy efficiency too expensive? Regardless of whether the Swiss people choose a future based largely on fossil fuels, nuclear power or a combination of renewable energy sources, the cost ...

Why does lightning zigzag? At last, an answer to the mystery

Everyone has seen lightning and marveled at its power. But despite its frequency—about 8.6 million lightning strikes occur worldwide every day—why lightning proceeds in a series of steps from the thundercloud to the earth ...

Bio-inspired tire design: Where the rubber meets the road

The fascination with the ability of geckos to scamper up smooth walls and hang upside down from improbable surfaces has entranced scientists at least as far back as Aristotle, who noted the reptile's remarkable feats in his ...

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