Proton pinball on the catalyst

Thanks to a reaction that resembles a sort of proton pinball game, a thin layer of moisture on the surface of a catalysts can improve the efficiency of fuel cells, devices used to transform chemical energy (a fuel like hydrogen, ...

Chemists invent new supercapacitor materials

Dr David Eisenberg and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg of the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences have invented a new type of supercapacitor material with a host of potential applications in electronics, ...

Hydrogen makes the natural gas network greener

Hydrogen from the natural gas pipeline – a separation technique developed by TU Wien is opening up new possibilities for our natural gas network and improves the ecological balance of hydrogen fuel cells.

Carbon leads the way in clean energy

Groundbreaking research at Griffith University is leading the way in clean energy, with the use of carbon as a way to deliver energy using hydrogen.

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