Related topics: facebook · social networking

Alternative cement with low carbon footprint developed

Researchers at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in Germany and the Brazilian University of Pará have developed a climate-friendly alternative to conventional cement. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions can ...

Applying mathematics takes 'friendship paradox' beyond averages

The friendship paradox is the observation that the degrees of the neighbors of a node within any network will, on average, be greater than the degree of the node itself. In other words: your friends probably have more friends ...

Puppies are wired to communicate with people, study shows

Dogs may have earned the title "man's best friend" because of how good they are at interacting with people. Those social skills may be present shortly after birth rather than learned, a new study by University of Arizona ...

Is the past (and future) there when nobody looks?

In 1961, the Nobel prize winning theoretical physicist Eugene Wigner proposed what is now known as the 'Wigner's friend' thought experiment as an extension of the notorious Schroedinger's cat experiment. In the latter, a ...

It is time to create contracts all users can understand

Contracts today are complex and not user-friendly. The documents are written in black and white text, using 'legalese' language, and lack page layout design. The result is that contracts are often left in drawers and are ...

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