The cosmic start of lightning

Even though lightning is a common phenomenon, the exact mechanism triggering a lightning discharge remains elusive. Scientists at the Dutch national research institute for mathematics CWI, the University of Groningen and ...

Chemists find new way of creating the building blocks of many drugs

Organic chemists at The Ohio State University have figured out how to synthesize the most common molecule arrangement in medicine, a scientific discovery that could change the way a number of drugs—including one most commonly ...

Computer coding in science

To be a successful scientist in academia it is no longer sufficient to be good at science. In addition to expertise in experimental methods and data analysis, scientists must also excel in public speaking and writing. Furthermore, ...

Scientists discover a new phase of high-density, ultra-hot ice

The outer planets of our solar system, Uranus and Neptune, are water-rich gas giants. These planets have extreme pressures 2 million times the Earth's atmosphere. They also have interiors as hot as the surface of the sun. ...

A cause of possible genetic problems in mitochondria is revealed

A group of researchers from the Andalusian Centre for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine (CABIMER) has revealed the importance of eliminating any excess of defective products that might have accumulated in the mitochondria, ...

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