The photoexcited graphene puzzle solved

Light detection and control lies at the heart of many modern device applications, such as the cameras in phones. Using graphene as a light-sensitive material for light detectors offers significant improvements with respect ...

Microsoft to launch Windows 10 on July 29

Microsoft on Monday announced that the latest version of its Windows operating system will be available July 29 for computer and tablet users.

New quantum technology combines free electrons and photons

Faster computers, tap-proof communication, better car sensors—quantum technologies have the potential to revolutionize our lives just as the invention of computers or the internet once did. Experts worldwide are trying ...

Light my fire: How to start up fusion devices every time

How do you start a fusion reaction, the process that lights the sun and stars, on Earth? Like lighting a match to start a fire, you first produce plasma, the state of matter composed of free electrons and atomic nuclei that ...

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