Unveiling the mechanism protecting replicated DNA from degradation

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University and the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology (IFOM) in Italy have succeeded in depleting AND-1, a key protein for DNA replication, by using a recently developed conditional protein ...

Detangling DNA replication

DNA is a lengthy molecule—approximately 1,000-fold longer than the cell in which it resides—so it can't be jammed in haphazardly. Rather, it must be neatly organized so proteins involved in critical processes can access ...

A reliable cryptocurrency needs good governance, say researchers

Participants in cryptocurrency networks like Bitcoin need to be better at preempting beneficial software changes. This will ensure the security and privacy of addresses and transactions, and help retain the value of cryptocurrencies, ...

Slurp alert: Japanese fork masks noodle-sucking noise

A Japanese firm has created what it claims is a world-first "noise-cancelling" fork to mask the sound made by slurping down noodles, dubbed "noodle harassment" on social media.

Many forks make light work

New insights into the control of DNA replication and cell division in Corynebacterium glutamicum, a biotechnologically important microorganism, could help to optimize the industrial production of amino acids.

Eukaryote process of programmed fork arrest determined

A research collaboration between the Medical University of South Carolina, the Institute of Human Genetics in France, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Rockefeller University has revealed the means by which cells accomplish ...

Enzyme with high potential for new cancer treatment identified

A team of researchers from the Biology department at the TU Darmstadt has identified an enzyme that separates DNA replication from repair. This discovery could be of tremendous significance in the treatment of tumours. The ...

Visualize sounds and tune instruments precisely and intuitively

A novel process for analyzing and visualizing sound has been designed by the Laboratoire Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son (CNRS/IRCAM/French Ministry of Culture and Communication/UPMC). The SnailAnalyser-Tuner ...

High fidelity: Researcher finds keys to genome integrity

Maintaining the stability and the correct sequence of our genetic information is vital to the accurate transmission of our genetic code. However, in the course of replicating, our DNA frequently runs into roadblocks, arising ...

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