Citizen science: knowing your food's carbon footprint

Sustainable food consumption is considered critical for combatting climate change. Sustainable food choices are thought to be key to reducing the environmental impact of human food consumption, with the food lifecycle contributing ...

Decline of bees, other pollinators threatens US crop yields

Crop yields for apples, cherries and blueberries across the United States are being reduced by a lack of pollinators, according to Rutgers-led research, the most comprehensive study of its kind to date.

Researchers make fish feed from food waste

Two major global environmental issues are food contamination and waste disposal. Professor Wong Ming-hung, Advisor (Environmental Science), and Dr. Brian Man Yu-bon, Assistant Professor, at the Department of Science and Environmental ...

Seafood products made from cells should be labeled cell-based

Companies seeking to commercialize seafood products made from the cells of fish or shellfish should use the term "cell-based" on product labels, according to a Rutgers study—the first of its kind—in the Journal of Food ...

Ohio State University soil professor gets World Food Prize

A soil scientist whose research led to improved food production and a better understanding of how atmospheric carbon can be held in the soil to help combat climate change was named this year's recipient of the World Food ...

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