Consumers willing to pay extra for organic meat, survey finds

Consumers, particularly those who occasionally or habitually buy organic chicken, are willing to pay a premium price for organic meat, according to a study conducted by personnel at the University of Arkansas System Division ...

Climate change affecting food safety

Climate change is already having an effect on the safety of the world's food supplies and unless action is taken it's only going to get worse, a Michigan State University professor told a symposium at this year's meeting ...

Packaging that knows when food is going off

Packaging that alerts consumers to food which is starting to go off is being developed by researchers at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.

University of Minnesota licenses sensor technology to a startup

United Science, a Minnesota startup company, has licensed sensor technology developed at the University of Minnesota that could prevent toxic byproducts of mining and other industries from ending up in the environment and ...

Recalls, food worries spark booming business in food safety

Recalls of ground beef, peanut butter, and other foods have done more than raise public awareness and concern about food safety. They also are quietly fueling a boom in the market for food testing equipment and fostering ...

Kroger uses technology to stop flow of recalled items

Supermarkets across the country cleared the shelves of more than 2,600 items recalled after salmonella contamination was found in some products made by the Peanut Corp. of America.

Nanotech in your vitamins

The ability of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate the safety of dietary supplements using nanomaterials is severely limited by lack of information, lack of resources and the agency's lack of statutory authority ...

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