Related topics: food

New study shows how consumers balance food choices

While more consumers than ever are making healthier choices at the grocery store, they tend to purchase a balance of healthy and less-healthy foods, according to new research from the University at Buffalo School of Management.

Nitrogen pollution, climate and land use

A new report quantifies for the first time how much our food choices affect pollutant nitrogen emissions, climate change and land-use across Europe.

Research shows how 'green' our food is

New research from Cranfield University has analysed how 'green' some of our everyday food choices are, and their long term sustainability for UK diets.

Multi-tasking digital tablet could revolutionise healthy eating

Clear your kitchen benches - a design proposal for a wi fi/bluetooth tablet that does away with recipe books, shopping lists, guesswork, kitchen scales, anxiety about balanced meals and, possibly the telephone, has won the ...

Sea hares outsmart peckish lobsters with sticky opaline

Sea hares are not the favourite food choice of many marine inhabitants, and it's easy to see why when you find out about the chemical weapons they employ when provoked – namely, two unpalatable secretions, ink and opaline, ...

Urban poor plagued by 'burdens of place'

Most of America's urban cores were designed for walking but offer little in the way of supermarkets, healthy restaurants and other amenities for residents to walk to, according to a study led by a Michigan State University ...

Food system 'heading for crisis'

Australians are eating themselves to death and our food choices are one of the nation’s leading causes of environmental damage, according to a new report released today by the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).

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