Researchers piece together how proteins fold

( -- A new method for looking at how proteins fold inside mammal cells could one day lead to better flu vaccines, among other practical applications, say Cornell researchers.

Team tackles mystery of protein folding

Proteins are the workhorses of life, mediating almost all biological events in every life form. Scientists know how proteins are structured, but folding - how they are built - still holds many mysteries.

Blame the 'chaperone'

A Jackson Laboratory research team led by Professor Patsy Nishina, Ph.D., has identified a mutation in a gene that's essential for correct protein-processing in cells. Defects in protein folding are associated with a variety ...

Chaperones just prepare proteins for folding on their own

Cellular proteins are produced as long chains of amino acids that must fold precisely into their final shape. The key players in this folding process are the so-called molecular chaperones, protein helpers that make sure ...

Like elephants, large working proteins have small handlers

A graduate student's surprise observation in fundamental experiments with small binding molecules at work in protein folding has allowed biochemists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst to develop the first firm mathematical ...

Transforming fibrils into crystals

An international team of researchers have discovered a new type of transition in protein folding: amyloid crystals formed from amyloid fibrils by a decrease in energy. The crystals are even more stable than the fibrils, which ...

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