The perfect pour: Model predicts beer head features

From creating drinks with distinctive looks to providing aromas for connoisseurs, beer foam is big business. The complex interplay between the components of a beer, the vessel from which it's poured, and the glass it's poured ...

Field-responsive mechanical metamaterials (FRMMs)

In a recent study published in Science Advances, materials scientists Julie A. Jackson and colleagues presented a new class of materials architecture called field-responsive mechanical metamaterials (FRMM). The FRMMs exhibit ...

How new substances form

Gas bubbles rise in a liquid. What looks like a bottle of sparkling mineral water actually is a type of reactor frequently used in industry – a bubble column. These reactors are found in laboratories and large technology ...

Robotic clam digs in mudflats

To design a lightweight anchor that can dig itself in to hold small underwater submersibles, Anette (Peko) Hosoi of MIT borrowed techniques from one of nature's best diggers -- the razor clam.

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