Adobe plugs Flash webcam spy hole

( -- Adobe engineers on Thursday fixed a vulnerability in its Flash software that could enable attackers to use a person’s computer webcam or microphone feeds for spying on the person. Adobe made changes ...

Flash in Windows 8 RTM build is missing latest fix

(—Microsoft architects must wake up to the smell of burning blogs once again. While not everyone may have or want Windows 8, the situation is neither good for branding nor at all good for the people who do have ...

Google Chrome 5 beta released

( -- Internet search engine giant Google has released a new beta version of its Chrome browser, and it is visibly much faster than the previous version, and faster than most other browsers.

AMD announces a wireless video-streaming display system

( -- AMD has, with the assistance of videoconferencing software maker ViVu, entered the wireless video-streaming display arena. The display, has been informally nick-name of the AMD Wireless TV, since the technology ...

Mozilla's Shumway pushes Flash to off-ramp

( -- Mozilla’s experimental project on GitHub, a hosting service for development projects, is taking on a happy buzz where developers look at a future that may not include Adobe Flash. The project, called Shumway, ...

Adobe bidding Flash farewell in 2020

Adobe on Tuesday said its Flash software that served up video and online games for decades will be killed off over the next three years.

Happy 30th birthday, Walkman

Thirty years ago Sony launched the Walkman, a gadget which revolutionised the way people around the world listened to music but has since been overtaken by an icon of the digital age -- the iPod.

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