Fishy chemicals in farmed salmon

Persistent organic pollutants—or POPs—skulk around the environment threatening human health through direct contact, inhalation, and most commonly, eating contaminated food. As people are becoming more aware of their food's ...

Researcher studies effects of microplastics on the ocean

Anyone who has ever struggled with knowing which plastic items they can or cannot place in their recycling bin will appreciate the complex task facing Professor Rob Hale and his students at William & Mary's Virginia Institute ...

Image: California in flames

Captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission on 5 December 2017, this image shows flames and smoke from the fierce blazes devastating northwest Los Angeles in Southern California.

Pesky pollutants that persist, courtesy of nature

In the late 1970s, the United States banned the production of an assortment of synthetic pesticides, insulators, coolants and flame retardants due to their toxicity and the fact that they stick around for a long time. But ...

Cool flames for better engines

A "cool flame" may sound contradictory, but it's an important element of diesel combustion—one that, once properly understood, could enable better engine designs with higher efficiency and fewer emissions.

Nontoxic flame retardant enters market

Chemists from Empa have developed and patented an environmentally friendly way to produce flame retardants for foams that can be used in mattresses and upholstery. Unlike previous flame retardants made of chemicals containing ...

Gazing into the flames of ionic winds

New 3-D visualizations that reveal how flames respond to electric fields could help improve combustion efficiency and reduce pollution.

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