Live fast, die young: Study shows tiny fishes fuel coral reefs

Scientists have long sought to understand how coral reefs support such an abundance of fish life despite their location in nutrient-poor waters. According to a new study published May 23 in the journal Science, an unlikely ...

Remarkable squirting mussels captured on film

Cambridge researchers have observed a highly unusual behavior in the endangered freshwater mussel, Unio crassus. In spring, female mussels were seen moving to the water's edge and anchoring into the riverbed, with their back ...

Genetic changes can affect collective behavior

Individual zebrafish (Danio rerio) exhibit predictable behavioral responses to certain visual stimuli that are sufficient to explain the collective behavior of the animals—even in their larval stage. Genetic mutations associated ...

'Fish DJ' tackles fish hearing

A 'Fish DJ' at The University of Queensland has used her knowledge of cool beats to understand brain networks and hearing in baby fish.

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