Paper filter from local algae could save lives in Bangladesh

The problem of access to safe drinking water in most parts of Bangladesh is a persistent challenge. Now, a team of scientists from Uppsala University, Sweden, and Dhaka University, Bangladesh, shows that a locally growing ...

Sensors and metrology as the driving force for digitalization

Many digitalized processes depend on data collected by increasingly powerful sensors and other test and measurement technology. When this data is processed, it provides precise and reliable information about the operating ...

ExoMars PanCam filters

This may look like a collection of colorful contact lenses, and in some respects there are some similarities: these are the filters through which the ExoMars rover—named Rosalind Franklin—will view Mars in visible and ...

Image: Bangkok's green lung

Captured on 22 January 2019 by the Copernicus Sentinel-2B satellite, this true-colour image shows Thailand's most populous city Bangkok, and its 'Green Lung' Bang Kachao.

Opportunity's parting shot was a beautiful panorama

Over 29 days last spring, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity documented this 360-degree panorama from multiple images taken at what would become its final resting spot in Perseverance Valley. Located on the inner slope ...

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