Liquid jets break up more readily on a substrate

Whether we're aware of it or not, in day-to-day life we often witness an intriguing phenomenon: the breakup of jets of liquid into chains of droplets. It happens when it rains, for example, and it is important for inkjet ...

Acoustic waves can monitor stiffness of living cells

MIT engineers have devised a new, noninvasive way to measure the stiffness of living cells using acoustic waves. Their technique allows them to monitor single cells over several generations and investigate how stiffness changes ...

Plants as efficient antifungal factories

Researchers report that they can efficiently produce antifungal proteins in plants based on a modified tobacco mosaic virus. The results of this research, which could have a major impact in the agri-food industry, have been ...

Pile-ups in protein transport

Anyone who has ever tried to find a way through a crowded pedestrian zone has—literally—run into the problem: While some people choose to weave their way through the gaps, others stick to the straight and narrow, and ...

Morphological transitions of biological filaments under flow

The study of complex suspensions made of particles suspended in a simple fluid has been growing lately, with many opportunities for industry or lab-on-a-chip technology. The macroscopic flow properties of these suspensions ...

Why malaria parasites are faster than human immune cells

Elementary cytoskeleton protein is different in parasites and represents a starting point for a possible new therapy against malaria infections. Researchers from the Heidelberg University Hospital, the Centre for Molecular ...

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