The future of climate refugees

As climate change causes sea levels to rise, vulnerable populations in countries like Tuvalu, Bangladesh and Vietnam are threatened with the very real prospect of losing their homes and migrating inland.

Fiji's commitment to marine managed areas

The Government of Fiji has made a commitment to gazette two large Marine Managed Areas (MMAs) within Fiji's Vatu-i-Ra Seascape—a highly diverse and productive area vital to both people and wildlife alike.

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Ella form near Fiji

The nineteenth tropical cyclone of the Southern Pacific Ocean season formed and is now threatening Fiji. NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured an image of the storm shortly after it developed.

NASA sees category 5 southern Pacific Tropical cyclone hit Fiji

NASA satellites provided data on Tropical Cyclone Winston before and after it made an historic landfall in eastern Fiji. The GPM, Suomi NPP and Aqua satellites provided forecasters with data that showed rainfall, strength ...

Death toll from Fiji cyclone hits 18 as aid sent to islands

The death toll from a ferocious cyclone which tore through Fiji over the weekend has risen to 18 as authorities on Monday began to get a grasp on the scale of the disaster and deploy aid to hard-hit outer islands.

Death toll from ferocious Fiji cyclone rises to 3

Officials in Fiji scrambled to assess damage Sunday in the wake of a ferocious cyclone that tore through the Pacific island chain, leaving at least three dead and collapsing hundreds of homes as people were sheltering from ...

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