Theory explains ferromagnetic superconductor behavior

Researchers from France and Russia have offered a theoretical explanation for the behavior of a recently discovered material combining superconducting and ferromagnetic properties. The new theoretical model also predicts ...

Approaching the magnetic singularity

In many materials, electrical resistance and voltage change in the presence of a magnetic field, usually varying smoothly as the magnetic field rotates. This simple magnetic response underlies many applications including ...

Tiny light box opens new doors into the nanoworld

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have discovered a completely new way of capturing, amplifying and linking light to matter at the nano level. Using a tiny box, built from stacked atomically thin material, ...

Op-ed: When did GMO become a dirty word?

Do you know someone with diabetes? While most people may associate GMOs with food products, their use actually began in the medical field with insulin, an important part of diabetes treatment.

Nano 'junk' could save lives

Nuisance particles loathed by manufacturers have found an innovative new purpose delivering life-changing drugs straight to cancerous tumors and diseased tissues.

What makes a planet habitable

Which of Earth's features were essential for the origin and sustenance of life? And how do scientists identify those features on other worlds?

New clues to coastal erosion

New research has uncovered a missing nutrient source in coastal oceans, which could promote better water quality and sand management on popular beaches.

Warmer water linked to higher proportion of male flounder

If southern flounder live in warmer water during a critical window of early development, a higher percentage become male—more than 90 percent in some cases—research from North Carolina State University found. Having a ...

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