A competitive working environment may prompt knowledge leaks

Organizational climate is key to managing the flow of proprietary knowledge within an organization and to preventing knowledge spillovers to competitors. Letting knowledge flow within organizational boundaries generates ...

People around the world like the same kinds of smells

What smells we like or dislike is primarily determined by the structure of the particular odor molecule. A collaborative study involving researchers from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, and the University of Oxford, UK, shows ...

Team studies greenhouse gas emissions from Appalachian streams

Freshwater ecosystems can be substantial sources of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, but it can be difficult to figure out how unique aquatic habitat arrangements and connections influence carbon cycling at different scales.

Innovative catalysts examined in expert review

Green hydrogen is an important component in a climate-neutral energy system. It is produced by electrolytically splitting water with wind or solar power and stores this energy in chemical form. But currently, the production ...

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