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Oracle rejects $272M SAP award, demands new trial

Business software maker Oracle Corp. has turned down $272 million in court-ordered damages from SAP AG in hopes of leaving a much bigger dent in its rival's pocketbook and reputation during a second trial over allegations ...

Judge allows SC Twitter lawsuit go move forward

(AP) -- A South Carolina company's lawsuit accusing a former employee of costing it hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost business when he took Twitter followers can go forward, a federal judge has ruled.

US judge denies bid to block NV mustang roundups

(AP) -- A federal judge in Nevada who handed horse protection advocates a rare victory last fall has rejected their latest request to block government roundups of free-roaming mustangs in the West, saying they'll have to ...

Judge's order raises issue over encrypted evidence

A federal judge has ordered a woman to provide an unencrypted version of her laptop's hard drive in a ruling that raises the question of whether turning over a password amounts to self-incrimination.

NY man suing Facebook fined $5,000 by court

(AP) -- A New York man who's suing for part ownership of Facebook has been fined $5,000 by a federal judge for failing to fully comply with an order to turn over his email account information.

Jurors deadlock in $1B lawsuit against Microsoft

(AP) -- A federal jury on Friday failed to reach a verdict in a Utah company's $1 billion antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft Corp. in a case so important to the computer giant that it put Bill Gates on the stand for two ...

Amazon: Actress lawsuit over age revelation bogus

(AP) -- Frivolous and selfish is how lawyers for Inc. describe a lawsuit brought by an actress upset that her advanced age - 40 - was revealed on an Internet database.

High court troubled by warrantless GPS tracking (Update)

The Supreme Court invoked visions of an all-seeing Big Brother and satellites watching us from above. Then things got personal Tuesday when the justices were told police could slap GPS devices on their cars and track their ...

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